#212 - The Revolution
11:34 AMSeems that blogging about JPOP artists have taken over my blogging mind @.@ Today I guess I'm gonna blog about UVERworld. Please, if you haven't heard their songs, go hear them now. Or I'll post a song for you. Its right below, click play =)

AND AND AND AND AND their next single, CORE PRIDE is coming out on May 5 ! Just a few more days and I'll be singing to annoy your ears already. You better get earplugs if you can't stand my singing :D glass can break. i think. ARGH. I'm getting annoyed that I can't find any clearer pics of the album =X
Takuya (far right) is just so hot ♥ I believe that most of my friends are either KPOP / ENGLISH humans. So apparently JPOP guys belong to me only :D oh yeah ! *fangirl screams* gosh. I'm going crazy suddenly. JPOP fever again. hahaha kthxbai, vivi :D
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