

11:56 AM

Because eyes look pretty when there's light reflected.

I'm proud of my memory ability. Of course, I'll lose to a computer, library or a phone because I don't store information like they do, but I have a brain and I use it. And it's thank to the fact that I can remember so many things that I'm able to score well in my exams. I'm not the kind of student who reads and digests information. I'm the kind that gobbles everything up like a pig and then vomit them all onto my test papers. Yupp. And right after the exam it's like I can barely remember anything. This probably applies to most of you as well. 

The tough part of it is maintaining or improving our memory. After just 3 days of studying again I feel like a rusted nail no longer able to be used. (that just came to mind because well, I think my friends and I normally say "I karat alreaydy"). I stare at the questions and notes for a tremendously long time before I understood it. I haven't used my brain to study since December last year, and have been slacking because I had nothing to do. I really felt the side effects of not studying continuously yesterday when it took me about 2 hours just to understand a 4 paged sub topic -______- Time to start up the studying gear before it's too late rawr.

By the way, did you know that stress is one of the worst enemies to have ? Be it yours or mine, if it's bad stress it'll always eat away at you from your core no matter how strong your mentality is. Depression is worse. I don't know how you deal with stress but if I were you, just sit back and take a short nap. Don't let it consume you. Just take some time off and relax. If you can't get off the Internet, might I suggest you visit The Quiet Place ? I like it there. Hehe. Although I strongly that you take a short nap instead of still being on the Internet. They say that it's easier to absorb whatever you read or learnt :) And besides, being sleep deprived adds a bucket load of stress on your body and mind.

Oh well. Time to do another brain workout !! Hehe. And by that, I didn't mean studying. There are other things you could do as well. Like playing instruments, concentration exercises, sudokus, crossword puzzles, etc. Or you could play the typical memory game HAHAHA. I prefer playing the piano and playing sudokus though.... OHHH and speaking of my piano, I haven't been uploading any recordings lately eh ? I'll try to get one up before the holidays are over :) Gimme a comment if you think I should ! HEHE. :)

PS : The pictures and blog content are so different from each other HAHAHAHA. Sorry bout that! The headache I had last night still isn't gone yet :( Not even after a night's worth of sleep !! T_________T 

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