
#539 - It's Past 111111

8:13 PM

I took this screenshot on the 23rd. 111111 views. I wasn't expecting to make it this far in the world of blogging. Sure, I might not be as famous as other bloggers or making money out of my blog, but to me, this is just another achievement in life. Thank you so much for continuously reading my blog and providing what little support you have for me.

I've been blogging for about 6 years now, and I still don't know which direction to take with my blog. Most people have narrowed down their blogging interests to fashion or food, gadgets or events, music or lifestyle, but me ? I don't think I'm the type of person to focus on just a certain topic, so I'll just continue blogging how I've always been blogging.

I'll try hard to post more quality posts :) Instead of the half-hearted ones I post from time to time :/ So sorry about that. Hmmmmmm should I invest in  DSLR ? HAHAH. I don't even know anything about cameras T______________T

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