

2:24 PM

"I've learnt so much from people who never existed"

I read that quote while scrolling down my Facebook timeline. And that is so true. Imagine the amount of cartoon characters and anime characters and movie stars and actors and games that were never real. Just fiction. Made up by the imaginations of their creators. Some of them had really outstanding characters or  spout unforgettable quotes all the time. They managed to stay at the back of my mind or somewhere near the depths of my heart without being forgotten over the past years. Without realizing, they've taught me lessons and gave me courage, motivation and inspiration. They've played a crucial part in my life, and I don't regret being influenced by it at all. It's mostly good influence anyways. People strive to improve themselves all the time.

"But I've learnt much more from the people around me."

Do I even need to elaborate on this ? Family, friends, relatives, teachers, strangers, even animals, wild or tamed. (Okay, maybe not animals because they're not people, but my dog is like my youngest sister right now heheh I love her!)  

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