

8:34 PM

The Monsters Inc decoration at Sunway Pyramid a few weeks back. Is it still there ? I'm not too sure. I haven't been going so often lately. School has been taking its toll on me and the haze is health threatening. Speaking of Monsters Inc, has anyone watched the latest movie ? I believe it's called Monsters University ? Or something like that along the lines. Whoops. I'm bad with movie titles.

Anyways, this is a backlogged post. I just realized I haven't posted these pictures anywhere until someone played with my camera and told me some pictures were nice. HAHAH. Thank you for indirectly reminding me !! However, now that I think of it, I have a few more that I haven't blogged about yet. Since I'm currently blogging one post per week, (maybe more if I scehdule the posts) .... It'll take a long time before you actually get to read those posts. But if you do want to know the latest updates really fast, do take a few minutes off to follow my blog or liking my Facebook page ;)

I don't feel like blogging about what happened that day but I'll post the pictures here. Otherwise I would feel like I took those pictures for nothing HAHAHA Okay I'm sorry. Maybe just a short rundown of what happened that day ? To be honest, I can barely remember. I forgot the reason my sister and I went there, but I remember that we can back with a new shirt each, a full tummy, and tired feet.

And speaking of being tired, the past few days have been draining my energy. I don't think I've ever felt this tired in my entire schooling life. Just one day of school makes me feel sleepy by 10PM when I can usually stay up till 11 or 12. I had to consume food that would keep me awake so I could finish my homework. In my case, I ate sugar tapes. Do you know what that is ? HAHAHA.

I'm looking to Form 6 week !! It's just around the corner and I've been practising with my friends and seniors. Hopefully everyone's hard work and effort will be rewarded with great results. It's my first time dancing Dikir Barat (although it's mainly just hand movements), but practises have been fun, so I hope the real thing would be a super energetic and full of energy !!

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