

5:16 PM

There are times when I feel like a tourist in my own country. Heheh. Do any of you feel that way as well ?

Last Saturday, my sister and I went to Empire to collect our orders from Tanks for 5. It's our second time ordering from them, and somehow we only buy from them during their sales period LOL. Typical shoppers. Tsk tsk tsk. We went for scouts in the morning and I was lazy to wash my hair after that so....... I felt weird going out with my hair tied up. I just don't feel comfortable. You know what I mean ? :/ I only tie it up when I go to school or when I sweat too much.

We took a bus there but apparently the bus driver didn't hear the BEEP when I pressed the bell. So we ended up missing the bus stop and being stopped near the traffic light. Wth. But thanks to that I found a pretty place to take pictures. I know that this place has always been there, but being up close and actually walking past it makes me appreciate the beauty it holds.

These decorations were really sweet !

I saw a few of my schoomates on the way to Empire. They spotted me first, actually. HEHEH. They were checking out ballrooms for the school prom. (I'm on the committee too!) So they called and asked if I wanted to join them. So, why not ? It was probably 15 minutes of awkwardness for my sister though. The ballroom was really spectacular ! If only U8's graduation was held there last year .......... maybe this year they can have it there :) But definitely too small for Seafield's prom heheheh. Oh well. Thanks for the thought of inviting me along for that one scouting trip :)

I'll be sharing my Tanks for 5 haul pretty soon, (I hope! There might be other posts before I do that though heheh). I bought two dresses and one skirt. Mad love !! In the mean time, let's hope the haze clears up and we get to breathe fresh air again !! I'm glad that it rained recently, it cleared up part of the haze but it's only temporary. Let's do our best to stay healthy throughout this period of time ! Stay indoors, eat healthy, and keep yourself hydrated !! :) Take care !!

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