
#426 - Their Birthdays

12:18 AM

I just came back from celebrating Menn Sze and Colin's birthday ! Menn Sze's birthday is on the 11th and Colin's is on the 13th. HEHEHE. Celebrating both of it on the same day........ I remember when I was a little girl and I hated sharing birthdays with people I know. Because at that time I had to share my jelly cake -.- rawr ! I wonder how they feel, celebrating their birthdays together ~

Nando's Menu !
I don't recall having eaten at Nando's before. This could very well be my first time, or second. I have no idea. Taipan doesn't offer a variety of places suitable for birthdays. I didn't like the food though, not worth my money -.- And seriously, tax up to RM60 ? I am never going back there if I could.

Samantha :)
With the birthday girl ! Menn Sze :))
Xhiang Lynn :)
Like I said, i didn't like the food. But I still took a picture. HAHAHAHA.
 I just had to upload this. HEHEHEHE.
Group picture !
I dislike places with bad lighting. It just makes all my pictures blurry and ugly. Ughhh but oh well.

They had chocolate cake :) I fed them the chocolate and the thingy with the birthday wish ! HAHAHA. But why do I have to cut the cake for you people ? LOL. Dear Colin and Menn Sze, if you're reading, please learn how to cut your own birthday cake by next year. TEEHEE.

Happy Birthday you two :) Nut here thanks you for being her friends :))

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