
#427 - Te' Amo

9:33 PM

Event outfit ! How is it ? :)
On the 18th August 2012, I attended my Leo Club's IR Day. For those of you who don't know, IR means International Relationship. It was held at Taylor's University College, SS15. To be honest, I wanted to organize this event when I was still the president. But oh well, I felt proud of the BODs as an IPP (Immediate Past President). Being able to sit back and enjoy the event was a nice change :) Although it was lonely without my friends there. Thanks Jason Cheong ! He accompanied me most of the time ! And thanks Sharon :) <3 :0=":0" able="able" again="again" also="also" be="be" but="but" communicate="communicate" d="d" did="did" didn="didn" even="even" good="good" guys="guys" heyyyy="heyyyy" i="i" if="if" it="it" many="many" nbsp="nbsp" networks="networks" nice="nice" not="not" only="only" or="or" people="people" probably="probably" really="really" s="s" see="see" shy="shy" social="social" sorry="sorry" t="t" talk="talk" though="though" thought="thought" to="to" too="too" via="via" was="was" you.="you." you="you">//////<)

Except for the slight glitch in the first performance, I would say that I loved the performances throughout the event. And the committee video was the bomb ! Literally. Jun Hao gangnam styled the whole event with that video alone ! HAHAHA. Thumbs up :)) They should really upload that video. And for those of you who didn't go, you missed out on alot. ALOT. This event really made my day :)

Sharon ! I haven't been able to see or talk to her recently. I'm really glad that I managed to do some catching up during IR. Not every Saturday is a Saturday well spent. Get what I mean ? Haha. I just felt like that Saturday was really well spent :) Except for the part where we had to leave. Natalie and I had to walk to First Subang. And we got a little lost along the way. Plus I nearly fell because I stepped into a hole with my heels. LOL ! My reflexes are good though :P I did not fall ! HAH. TAKE THAT !

We went to First Subang to eat dinner ! At Sushi King :) It's been awhile since I last had sushi. My family would always eat sushi when I'm away. For example, when I go to Leo Forum. They always eat the delicious food without me TT SS15 is a scary place to walk around. You couldn't imagine how relieved I was to reach First Subang.

With Natalie :)
BOOYAH ! :D I could finally rest my ass after walking so long.
My short chubby fingers ! Guess what's my number? It's #001 ! hahaha !
Was taking random pictures to kill time. I forgot to bring my phone on that day TT

I LOVE SALMON. OHHH but I only like the pink plate salmons :) HEHEHE. The red plate salmon doesn't suite my taste buds. And a few other favourites would be Salmon Nishoku and Golden Ball ! I was going to eat Niku Soba but it took forever to come. I ended up cancelling the order. Oh well. But it was nice to eat sushi again ~ I wonder when the next time will be. Post ends here. Sorry if it bored you :)

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4 lovebites

  1. lovely!


  2. thank you :) visited you blog !! :)

  3. Doesn't sound like I missed the event of my life tho :P

  4. haha it was awesome, no doubt. but i'm not a good blogger. that's all :P
