
#432 - Time to De-stress !!

8:15 PM

1Utama's MPH has a really nice view.......
Hello ^~^ My mum was supposed to go to Subang Parade for an appointment today but it got canceled. So she ended up playing mahjong with her friends. Natalie and I decided to go to 1Utama since it'snear her friend's place. We decided to entertain / de-stress / enjoy the day at 1Utama. Besides, SPM trials are on Tuesday, I need to relieve myself of all this tension and pressure.

These were so cute ! Spotted at Toys' R Us !! Why didn't they have this when i was a kid? 
We wanted to play this but since there were small kids.... who are totally unpredictable, we avoided doing so.
Moo Moo !! Raya-fied !!
We walked everywhere looking for a way to get to the fourth and fifth floor. I'm sorry, but please don't laugh ? We hardly go to 1Utama. Seriously. I didn't know finding the cinemas or karaoke was that hard. Well we did reach the cinemas,only to be disappointed because there's no show that matches our timing. And we found our way up through the lift HAHAHAHA.

We gave up on finding the karaoke place though. We saw it from outside when we were about to leave. Like seriously, Natalie wanted to file a complaint against the person who designed the place :P Haha. We got lost countless of times and had to refer to the directory again and again and again.

Candylicious !! I love the decorations of that candy shop !! I think last time there was a NO PICTURES sign but I didn't see it today. And besides, there were many others taking pictures there too. So why not ? The pillows were really comfy :3 I couldn't stop hugging them ! HAHA. We tasted some jelly beans too ! Gosh I miss eating jelly beans TT

A girl's outing isn't complete without some shopping !! Do you agree ? Well, we only managed to try clothes from Brands Outlet and Zzang Street in Jusco. But we bought shirts from Brands Outlet. See the tiger shirt above ? It's mine now <3 :p=":p" a="a" above="above" actually="actually" but="but" day="day" dress="dress" hahaha="hahaha" i="i" is="is" it="it" like="like" more="more" of="of" out="out" outfits="outfits" p="p" picture="picture" right="right" s="s" the="the">

I like the face expression my sister has on the left picture :P It was a candid shot ! Nice right ? :D HEHEH.

Jusco was having sales.... as usual.
I'm so dark ............

Ohhhh I saw these pretty leggings too ! If you read this post you would know how much I like leggings !! And these just caught my eyes right away. Why does Jusco always have clothes I like ? Haha. I prefer the Sunway Pyramid outlet though. That's because I know where to find the clothes I want LOL.

Couldn't resist ! Just had to try it on !
This is now my blog header picture and facebook cover photo ! HEHEHE. how is it ?

When we came back there was no more water on the floor :( But at least the guns had water :P HEHEH.

Well. Today was enjoyable I guess. Spent almost RM50 ~~~ TT And I promised myself that because I went out today I have to finish studying Sejarah Form4 chapters4-7. OHMYGOSH WHAT DID I JUST SAY ? HAHAHA. If it's me I know I can do it........

But be honest, you and I aren't ready for the trials. Right?

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