
#431 - Dad's Birthday

11:30 PM

Dad's birthday cake !! Jelly cake !!! 
Hi there :) I just came back from celebrating my dad's birthday. His birthday is on the 22nd though. Hehe. It was great to be able to see my relatives again! Though to be honest I didn't expect them to change so much. Shahana is as tall as me now, and she'll be taller the next time I see her, since she's only 11. And the others..... I actually remembered all their names ! But except for Ahmad, I couldn't tell who was who. LOL. My bad. I'm so sorry TT I'll try to remember the next time I see you guys ~~~ :)

We reached around 6.30 so we had dinner first. It's been awhile since I ate spaghetti!! Usually they would put Parmesan cheese as a chef's touch, but since my aunt forgot about it we used normal cheese instead. HAHAHA. Imagine that ! Not bad actually. Except for the part where some cheese fell into my cousin's drink. Cheesy orange juice. Anyone wanna try ? :P
Birthday boy !! hahaha !! He insisted on one candle only, because it's easier to blow.
The other August babies !! :D
I wanna eat some more ~~~ Rainbow jelly cake ! :3
Shahana prepared a lucky draw session for us :P thanks !!
This is what my sis and I received.
We had some girl time with all the female cousins :3 well... there's only two males. LOL. We went from singing to games to fail dancing to laughing and yeah. Haha. Lots of awkward silence moments too. It was really fun, since the last time we visited them was last year. I wanna see them soon....

But now for a good night's rest. Fighting to those who're gonna study too!! :P HEHEHE. And dad, if you're reading this, Happy Birthday again :) BE HAPPY.

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