What Is Something I Would Love To Learn?

1:57 PM

Hello hello!

Sorry I skipped updating this yesterday. I took my vaccine jab in the morning and experienced chills and fevers from noon until night. I chucked a panadol and proceeded to enter the sleep of cold and chills -> hot and sweat -> headache / migrane -> more sweating -> nausea -> toilet visits -> looking for 100+ -> and more!!! I just woke up feeling so lembik and layu and just generally very weak and tired. Even while typing this I just want to go back to sleep...

But here's a few things that I'd love to learn:
  • Calligraphy
  • Painting but in expert level HAHAHAH
  • Investing
  • How to influence people
  • Sewing my own clothes
  • Japanese language

Nothing interesting really HAHAHA. I've been staring at the screen thinking what else I'd want to learn... or maybe it's the post jab after effects that's clouding my mind right now. I can't seem to think of much else aside from those I've already listed.

I wonder if I'll actually have enough motivation to push through learning until the end...

I've tried brush pen calligraphy for awhile, then patience got the better of me so I stopped.

Painting? same shit HAHA.

Investing? I'm too scared and kept wanting a more stable option. Stashaway was my only middle ground HAHAHA. I'm still too scared to do anything else.

Japanese language? I tried to learn katakana and hiragana and managed to read some basic children's books... then MCO ended and I had to go back to work (this all happened last year), and now I'm back to square one HAHAHA. I can still read some kana but kanji is too much for my feeble self HAHA

Oh well. I'm gonna go nap again to try and rid myself of the post vaccine effects.


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