Where Would I Want To Live In My Ideal Life?

11:37 PM

Hello hello!

If it's about where I want to spend my life... honestly I used to idolize living in Japan for like my entire childhood thanks to anime and mangas HAHAHA. I really really wanted to just visit Japan or imagine living in Japan. But the reality is that life expenses are expensive as heck there and houses you can afford are small af as well. Life VS reality would kick me in my guts LOL.

I like New Zealand as well, the scenery there always makes me go awww. I even wanted to sign up for one of those backpacking or van packaging camper van tour guided trips before HAHAHA. It's a beautiful place that's for sure.

I don't really have that much interest in the US or UK or Europe countries - they just don't really attract me all that much. 

But if I want to live an ideal life... there's something called a nomad right? People who move around. I know before the pandemic hit there were plenty of nomadic influencers constantly travelling and exploring the world thanks to their jobs. I used to envy that. I wanted to try and live that life too. Constantly moving around would mean not having people I love constantly with me so that's a minus, but getting to travel the world at my own pace - that's like a dream come true too.

Therefore I find it difficult to answer this question.

Maybe I'll just stay in Malaysia? Eh? Nah. 

Or maybe let me live in a peaceful anime universe HAHAHAH.

Where would you want to live your ideal life?

I personally just want to be surrounded by beautiful sceneries, maybe a beach nearby, and lotsa friends and family and public ameneties within an acceptable driving range. Not too bad eh? 

Hehe. Goodnight!

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