
#499 - #ParamoreinKL

12:03 PM


My sister and I went to Stadium Negara last Sunday to catch Paramore's second concert in Malaysia !! LIVE IS DEFINITELY THE BEST. I gave up on recording and taking pictures so I don't have much to share. And my pictures aren't the best.

Conclusion ; A digital camera is as bad as my phone camera at concerts.
Conclusion #2 ; I need a DSLR,  :( asap ! Before Lunafly's concert here.

I recorded three videos ! :D But I'll only share one with you guys because the first video has Natalie shouting and screaming like the fangirl she is, and the second one is REALLY SHAKY. It looks fine in the camera, but not when I upload it :/

Paramore - In The Mourning. Watch in HD ! :D

I feel proud of myself for still knowing some of Paramore's songs !! It's been a really long time since I last listened to English songs (thanks to KPOP and JPOP) , and I can remember some of the lyrics too !! @.@ I probably didn't know half the songs she sang but hey ! I still had fun ! :D and thanks to that concert I'm listening to Paramore's songs again hahaha ! Can't wait for their next album :)

Oh, my sister and I had a slight hiccup right before the concert started ! The security didn't want to let us in because we didn't bring our ICs, but they snuck us in anyways :3 Eheheheh. Not like they checked everyone's ICs to let them in -___________- What's the point of that rule then ?

And the couple sitting next to me ate burgers halfway through the concert !! That's not fair D; The smell was so tempting !! And the uncle sitting next to Natalie was like.......... a stone facepalm statue. No kidding. He didn't move throughout the concert. He's probably one of those people who came as their children's guardian and not for the concert. Sigh.

Natalie ! :D The Paramore fan who lost her voice during the concert. Happy girl ! :D

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4 lovebites

  1. You can't bring DSLRs into concerts. LOL.

  2. Soo lucky you got to see them live!! I've been wanting to for years but glad you had a great time!
