
#491 - Love Song

3:51 PM

It's been a really long time since I last had a strong amount of feelings for someone. No, I am not desperate. I think it's because of KPOP that my standards of an ideal guy just risen to levels a normal person can't even reach. Beyond reach ? Meh. They exist in places that aren't within my grasp ! I'd have to be able to fly or teleport to see them ~ :) *wink* You know what I mean ! haha !

Regarding my previous post on my cover of DMTN's Safety Zone, I want to thank everyone who commented on it at the comments section on blogger, youtube and soundcloud ! I really appreciate it ! It made me so elated to know that there are actually people who listen to my covers :) And that was probably the little extra push I needed to keep doing what I like to do !

So here's my next cover ! :) It's Eric Nam's Love Song ! It's the fifth song in his album "Cloud 9" ; I was comtemplating on whether to cover this song, or the title song "Heaven's Door". In the end, I chose "Love Song" because .......... well, just because.

Do listen to it and let me know what you think ! Comments mean alot to me, you know :) They're like vitamin ! hehe !

Oh,  I just love times like these when pictures turn out well....
And there's no feeling of wanting to edit them ! haha !
Not that I"m good at editing T.T

Take care ! Do like my facebook page :) CLICK HERE

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