
#496 - FYI on Stage With Lunafly

12:19 AM

It's past midnight now so it isn't Valentine's Day anymore, right ? But Inzpire.ME just gave me and other Malaysian Lunafans one of the greatest Valentine's news yet, LUNAFLY will be coming to Malaysia on the 30th March !! :D I can't wait !!

Lunafly has caught my eye since they debuted with "How Nice Would It Be". Being a rookie group that compose their own songs... and have both Korean and English versions of their title song.... and amazing vocals.... and........ I'll stop right there before this ends up as a "what I like about Lunafly" post :P

The moment I saw this picture on the Inzpire.ME facebook page........... I got a mini heart attack ! And it's an FYI event !!

A mini concert here on our grounds ! I'm not missing this chance to see Lunafly in person, are you ?? hehe. Hurry up and book your tickets now ! I already did :P If you're going, do let me know here or via twitter ^^ Check out the details HERE .

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