
#497 - Valentine's

2:20 PM

A short post on how I celebrated Valentine's Day this year.

Table for two ? No.
Table for three ? Yes !

Valentine's Day is celebrated because of love. Love between people. And I'm celebrating it with the people I love the most, my family ! :) I'm sure those with their significant other half celebrated with each other, though not in my case. I'm in need of more family sessions. Hehe.

We opted for dinner at Windmills'. It's been a really long time since we eat steak ! The place was full of couples and families. All for the same reason. To enjoy Valentine's Day together ! Because we didn't made bookings, we had to wait some time before being served.

Picture taken by mommy ! Can't blame her for the off focus though. My sister refused to be in the picture because she was eating. LOL.

Mommy ! :D

Mom chose sparkling juice for all of us ! 

Lamb chop and fish :)

Heart shaped brownie with cream and chocolate syrup ! Don't be fooled by it's appearance -.- It's really hard to eat. Like they baked it in the morning and only took it out to be served. 

Oh , and these are chocolates that I made for Valentine's Day ! :D Be happy if you received one ok ! Hard work ! hahaha ! 

*Throws heart at you*


Learnt that from Woohyun. AHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA.

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