
#498 - A Good Way To.....

2:13 PM

Hello there ! :D I finally had time to spend with my friends ! It's been a really long time since I last met up with all of them. This time we met up for dinner, and since it's Chinese New Year, we opted for Esquire Kitchen because they had Yee Sang !

From left to right ; Chia Yan, Samantha, Elayne, Me, Yvonne, Lian Soon, Jason, Seng Zhao and Kelvin (standing)

Sam had to leave early because she's still working :P And Jasmine couldn't join us for dinner :(

Elayne and I were the only ones wearing heels... so that we wouldn't be so short !! kekeke. I can't even remember the last time I wore heels. The dinner was the first time this year. LOL.

Desert ! Which I'm not too fond of because of the red bean soup -_________- I don't like red beans. And I also brought my chocolates :D I finished it in the afternoon hahaha ! Hope it didn't taste too bad :/

After dinner, we opted to watch a movie ! I thought my mum would be opposed to the idea because it would end around 11, but noooooooooooo...!!! She said it was fine, because I hardly go out anymore. Hahahaha. That made me feel like I'm a lazy pig saying at home with nothing to do. (quite true though)

I wish we had better seats. No one is fond of seats that are so front, that when you look up your neck pains -______- I had to shift left and right so my neck wouldn't get too stiff. LOL.

Because I hardly take selcas anymore. Here's two ! HAHAHA. I'm looking forward to Paramore's concert later ! Tata ~

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