#258 - New Specs. Again.
8:59 PM
After a few months living with my dog-eaten specs, I finally bought a new one :) The old one is so dog bitten the metal part sticking out pains the back of my ears. And about my new specs, don't ask why I chose it. The whole table was full of specs I got lazy to choose so I just took one and said I wanted it HAHAHAHAHA. Regrets.
My spec eating dog. Cuddles. Caught. Guilty as charged.
And now I'm thinking. Should I cut my fringe ? I asked so many people with so many different answers and I still can't decide D: Some said bangs, some said slant, some say clip up, some say don't cut, some say layer and so many more. My head is spinning. And I still can't decide D: rawr. I'm so screwed. Haih. Yvonne's answer was so .......... lol-able. She was like "just go to the salon and let them decide for you! Lol!". Only thing is, I don't trust the saloon ppl :P They never cut it right. Hahahahhaa. I would ask for your opinion, but then again, you wouldn't comment on this post LOL. No one did since i stopped posting my link at innit :( rawr. Shall go and stare the mirror and decide how to cut my fringe. kthxbai , vivi loves you <3
1 lovebites