#249 - COH BBQ !

2:47 PM

On the 24th July 2011, I went for the barbeque for the scout COH(s). Three COH in total, the Remaja, and the new and old Muda. Feels weird saying new and old. LOL. hahahaha. Not like I can find any other words for it. Bbq was held at Ryui Bynn's house 8D Its like our scout house. LOL. Meetings there, and etc, now bbq also there :3

Arrived around 6+ ? I think ? Nearing 7 ? I forgot !! Damn. But it was still early evening. They were trying to burn the charcoal when I reached. Damn phail HAHAHAHA. Not like I could do any better, I'm not meant for fire starting D:

Well, in the end Ryui Bynn had to do it :P Since everytime the others tried to start the fire it just..... dies off. LOL.

And then our bbq session started ! :D 

*Above are randomly snapped picture throughtout the bbq session 8D

Camwhore and gossip session ? HAHAHHAAHA. When I got bored I just snap pictures ? :X Bad habit.

Ini orang, will kill me when she sees this I think. =X *runs and hides*

Aahhh. Look at the pic on the right :)) Yvonne and Sharon washed the dishes in the toilet !! XD HAHAHHAA. THEY WILL KILL ME FOR THIS BUT I JUST HAD TO POST IT ! I think I'd better run now :X

Thanks for reading an awesomely retarded blog post.
You know I love you 8D

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