#253 - Bored. Look What I Found.

11:42 PM

 Hello :) Its almost 12 and I'm still awake. I wouldn't blame the holidays, but rather the boredom. I didn't know what to do, I SLEPT THE WHOLE AFTERNOON. I just felt so lifeless. But I didn't want to touch homework. Never will. So now i'm just as bored. Except that my camera is now working and I can camwhore again. *yes* But then I found all the old pictures :) Most of them were from the China trip. And walaaaah ! Lookie what I found :P More camwhore pictures LOLOLOLOLOL. I'm so lifeless. And it was taken back when I was still staying at USJ18. Kinda miss that place already. I could walk Cuddles, go jogging without feeling weird, walk to school if I had to, play basketball in the morning, head over to 19 and more. Staying at Sungei Way caused me loads of problems. Like now, I have to rely on public bus to get home. Shit. I hate public transportation. P/S : I like my eyes in the picture :) The one thing I like most about me is my eyes :D Too bad my power increased :( Sigh. Waiting for my news specs to come :D

AND LOOK WHAT I FOUND ! :D Isn't she just the cutest ball of fluff ? Taken somewhere last year when she was still fluffy and full of fur ! Now that we shaved her, her fur is still short, growing back, but still short HAHAHAHHAHA, Cuddles just looks so fat in this pic :3

So yeah, I bought that hair accesory thing from China. Bought quite a lot as souvenirs for my friends :D And I kept a purple one for myself. The red one I'm wearing is supposed to be for Kavitha, but I just had to camwhore with it. Was tempted to see how it matches my red hairband :3

Okayyy... I'm not good with tying buns LOL. And apparently after taking this picture I found a better way to use that thing. Maybe I'll put up another post for that when I'm twice as bored as today HAHAHHA. My face looks so fat here D: nuuuuuuuuu. I need to work out again D: Stupid me. Only work out and exercise when I grow fat. tsk tsk. I fail. kthxbai sorry for killing your eyes with my ss pictures. with loves, vivi. x !

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