Hello hello!
Today I'm just dropping by to update my blog because it's been nearly a month since I last posted something :) Since I've completed the journaling prompts I haven't found the need to come back here. Lots of things have happened since my last update and I'm leaving bits and pieces here to document it. Oh by the way, HAPPY MERDEKA! And sadly, water odour pollution aka water cuts happening today as well. Such a mixed news day *cries*
Moving on with some updates, my sis and I have been purchasing little things to improve our table set ups and ergonomics the past month. I've managed to ugprade my table to a larger table from IKEA, and gotten a few stationary organizers and a cork board for my wall.
I'm also waiting for additional organizers which are still on the way... it should reach this week though. Then I'll be able to organize my washi tape collection! It's currently a mess that I keep inside a large box lol. Look at it!!! Maybe I've hoarded too many washis... they're mostly from a massive taobao haul from a few years ago hehe.
I've catalogued all of them inside my journal binder as well - which I got from Looter's Box! Just showing you a small snippet of my hoarded collection haha. These are my favourite pages! I've recorded the unboxing video haha! I've been binging so many videos of journaling and unboxing and stuff on YouTube that I got inspired to record my unboxing as well. It's been so long since I last recorded anything, that I might find it hard to edit the video HAHAHA. I'll upload it once I'm done! Pretty excited to just do interesting things again :) I've even purchased a tripod for this! Initially I bought it just for convenience to take my OOTDs when no one is around lol.
What else is new the past month? Oh! I changed the layout of my bed again HAHAHA. Just changing the direction of my bed breathes a new life into my bedroom. It's the power of moving furniture around to create something fresh HAHA. I've had lots of dreams the past few nights in a row before I changed my bed. I was thinking if it was because of the hungry ghost festival? I'm not sure. But since changing my bed direction I've stopped having numerous dreams at night. (those were pretty weird dreams too lol)
Also I've recently changed my hair shampoo and conditioner to Nunature! It's a local brand that I've been seeing a lot in social media - and OMG I LOVE IT. The smell is pretty nice but I think I've deepl missed using conditioner as part of my hair routine. My hair is so soft now!! I'm not sure how good the anti-hairfall effects will be - it's a process I'll have to keep monitoring throughout the next few months - but I'm super satisfied! They even gave a lot of freebies which I'll try using later on as well.
Also, super jelly of those who are able to go for hair cuts! My 2nd vaccine jab is only due early October, and to wait for an additional 2 weeks for complete protection.... would put me at the end of October to be a fully vaccinated individual HAHAHA. So here's to staying safe until I get my jab so it won't get delayed or postponed! Though... getting my jab at PWTC is scary cause there's just so many people there. It's like a zoo without SOPs of any sorts outside the building, whereas the inside is at least sorta spaced out. Going into those crowds just to get my jab was like... semi anxiety and claustrophobia mashed up lmao.
While we're on this topic, my sister's uni lab had a positive case awhile ago too... and I'm like super grateful that she's safe and not affected by that person, (she wasn't a close contact but still - you'll never know which variant it was and where that person was huhu). Still judging my mom's response to tell me to be careful instead of my sis. Like... nani?! Just because I'm the only one in the fam who hasn't gotten my second dose doesn't mean I'm the one who's most prone to GETTING the virus... I wish I knew how her mind works.
I've also spent some time in games HAHA. I'm still playing WOTV - and my luck is finally back! I have CLOUD and MAMA HELENA !!! I've been trying to get Mama Helena for so long...!!! And to get her on Cloud's banner was like icing on the cake! I'm still feeling kinda meh about this game, it's been about 1.5 years since I started playing... and the guild is the only thing keeping me going... might or might not decide to drop the game and sell my acc later on... But for now, I'm so happy to have these units in my roster!
My two beautiful units!!!
I've also dedicated another part of my time to ROX! Pretty fun. I've always played Ragnarok with le boyfie so of course I'm playing it because of him. But having a good guild is what keeps most players consistent in the game haha. I have 2 characters in 2 different servers lol. If anyone's playing in Crystal Waterfall or Gungnir server - hit me up and we can play together hehe
Just le boyfie and I chilling on a bench in ROX hahaha!
I've also been doing workouts consistently almost everyday now thanks to my workout buddy - Hsuen! We've been keeping each other in check and already completed 2 of Emi Wong's 15 day challenge haha. up next is a 4 weeks challenge!! I might be a potato constantly sitting at home but at least I get my workouts done to make my body exercise to keep healthy! I'm liking that I get to see more people at the parks now after parks were opened for the public. It's been so long since I saw little kids running around with their siblings and families. Just makes my heart feel lighter now that part of the normal is coming back :)
In other news, I'm pretty glad that I've finally factory reset my handphone! I finally have more memory space to do things! I've only just realized how much I store memories on it... which I've had to painstakingly transfer to my laptop to transfer to my external hard drive. And now, to making more new memories despite the lockdown because I can! And so can you!!
Wow. I just realized this post is pretty lengthy! Allright imma end my not-so-mini update here before it gets even longer hehe!
I hope you had a great month thus far as well :)
Take care and stay safe! 💓
Here's to a better September!