
#528 - Confidence

3:03 PM

*I'm writing this part after finishing this post. I feel like I ended up writing another lengthy post with barely a connection with the title. HAHAHA. What am I going to do with myself ?

You alone can broaden your horizons. Don't ever set a limit to yourself, or else you won't get past it and your potential can't bloom. It's like keeping yourself chained. What's the point of telling yourself "I can't do it" or "I won't be as good as them" or "I'll never make it" ? Why do you bury yourself under the heavy burdern of negative thoughts ? They can kill you inside without you ever realizing it. Have confidence in yourself !

That's what I think I need someone to tell me. I think I need more confidence, even though you might think that I have enough already. Truth is, there are times when I feel that I am brimming with it and I just march on ahead and feel like I can do anything. However, there were also times where I kept doubting myself and in the end, couldn't move from the spot or just kept running around in circles. It's that kind of feeling that I hate the most.

I know all of us feel this way at times. We feel like we're the only ones out of luck, not loved, being ignored, being left out and more. These feelings that keep dragging us down, is there a way to break free ? Being positive at all times is something I find very hard to do, even with constant encouragement from people around me. That is probably one of the main reasons why I envy optimistic people. They always seem to see the bright light in the darkness.

It's times like these I think how I should build up my own self confidence ? Or rather, what am I actually confident about in myself ? Intelligence ? Looks ? Talent ? I take pride in what I do, and most of the time, it's that same pride which causes my downfall. I have my own insecurities and you have yours. But let's not belittle ourselves because of that. I'm a sensitive person and I've been told that several times. I don't think I've changed much but I'm trying. A single hurtful comment a few years ago would have just made me loathe myself but now, I see it in a different way. I've come a long way since then, though it still hurts when I get comments like those.

Try smiling at yourself in the mirror ! Smile when you take pictures ! Smile when you receive a compliment ! Don't deny compliments, or you might not get any at all. Compliments are given for a reason, and if you keep saying "No, lah" or shrugging it off like it was nothing, you're actually lowering your confidence. You know something ? Being happy can boost your self confidence too !! I'm sure you know that putting on a smug look on your face all day long is just going to ruin  your mood and those of the people around you.

And I'm not sure if some of you tried this before, but faking confidence can sometimes be that extra little push you need to stand tall. I've done it before. Mainly to protect my big fat pride and ego, but there are times where it pulls you through - barely - really. I'd pass on putting up a strong front next time though. And one more thing. Please avoid being a perfectionist. I've been there and I hate it. It'll only restrict you. Trust me on this !! :)

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