

9:03 PM

Thank you for still reading my blog over the past few years. Thank you for visiting this blog even though I've yet to update it. Thank you for leaving supportive and constructive comments over the years. Thank you for bookmarking or linking my blog. Thank you for following my blog. Thank you for the support you've given to my blog. Thank you. 

As to why I'm suddenly thanking all of you, just say "You're Welcome". After all, I don't think I'm the kind of person who expresses myself frequently. I usually let the moment pass by without voicing out my inner thoughts. I let the conversation roll and only interrupt when I feel the need to. I'm that quiet girl who listens and observes. I don't openly say "I Love You". No. I just show my love in a different way. You either notice it or you don't. But since I don't really know who is reading this text right here and right now, I just want YOU to know that I'm grateful that you're even reading my blog !! 

Pictures taken over the past week :)

What triggered this sudden gratefulness , you ask ? I was having a conversation with a new friend I made at SMK Seafield ! :) Her name is XinVee and she's a blogger as well !! I felt very elated to have another blogger friend !! We were on the topic of blogging when we remembered how we used to blog in the past, before our blog became how it is today. I've re-read most of my posts since the day I started blogging. I actually can't bring myself to believe that I blogged in such manner before. Oh, and just because I mention it, doesn't mean you have to go check all my previous blogposts, ok ? :)

Just looking at this post number reminds me of how far I've come. I've deleted and remade many blogs prior to this so I must have probably written nearly a thousand blogposts before this ? I even have one of my previous blog links kept alive because I kept all the posts as drafts so I could read them again when I feel nostalgic. I just did. And it's times like these I think my readers are truly awesome. You've shown me a tremendous amount of support even when I was blogging shit like "I feel so bored today" or "Sigh why must we have exams?" and such. I really wonder how you read posts like those. 


Oh, and some of you have been asking me how Form 6 is. I don't have to go through that "What should I wear today?" life episode because I have a uniform to wear !! HAHAHA. Sorry about that :P Well now, it's harder that I expected (I didn't even understand the first Maths class) , but I like the people here. I only know them on the surface for now but I"m sure our bond and friendship will become stronger as time goes on. After all, we'll be in the same school for the next one and a half  years !! It's sad that some will be shifting schools and streams and classes but I respect their decision. If they don't make the choice now, they never will :)  All that's left would waiting the NS students to start schooling then !! HEHEHE. 


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2 lovebites

  1. Hello there, fellow blogger friend! :)

    I totally agree with how you feel about your old blogging style! And about us form sixes having one thing less to worry about when we wake up in the morning. Haha!

    Hope we can still blog as frequently as we want now that the Form Six War has started. Good luck! :B

    1. Hi XinVee !!! :D

      Form 6 is tough, I hope we'll be able to keep updating !! (hopefully there'll be events coming up soon ! hehe)

      Good luck to you too ! :)
