

12:17 PM

The front of the Form 6 shirt :)

I wished the shirt wasn't black :( While we were having assembly, all the flies were buzzing around us. It got so annoying I couldn't pay attention to the speeches. I'm still not used to the pace of the Form 6 life. And because this week we're on holiday, my aunt was like , "Wahhh, Form 6 so easy ah?". If it was really that easy, I'd be relieved. Everyone seems to be studying already and here I am, on the Internet, blogging away. If it's the one thing I can't stop doing even when I'm in Form 6, it's blogging. And I'm trying to reduce to only one or two posts a week so I can spend more time on studying. But given my last minute nature, I think it'll be awhile before I can actually change this bad habit. Habits are one of the hardest thing to change you know? And I'm not being lazy !! I'm just conserving energy :)

Oh, Seik Yng recently reminded me that the one thing I'm good at is............ taking selcas !! HAHA. Syok sendiri !! Woots. I'm not that vain anymore though. HEHEHE. But maybe sharing a few selcas from time to time is fine right ?? I haven't been posting any selcas at all lately. So I'll post one today weeeee ~~~ By the way, do you think it's high tie for me to create an Instagram account ? I know many of you have it already :D Should I ? HAHA. I really dislike the way the wi-fi drains my phone battery though :((

Back in secondary school, whenever I asked my friend "What time is it?", he'll reply me with "Time for you to get a watch". I knew it was a joke, but it tends to get really annoying when you hear the same answer over and over again for the rest of the year. Though I'd prefer that answer instead of the High School Musical's "It's Summer Time!". But thanks to that I actually got myself a watch right now !! HEHE. Though I'm still not used to having a watch on my hand. At least now I can answer people who wants to know the time !! Hehe.

It feels weird to wear a watch again. I almost forgot to take if off while washing rice !! Thank goodness it's water resistant ! Phew !! Mom choose the design for me since I couldn't choose one on my own ! Haha. I'm not really the kind of person who knows how to choose or make decisions. I take almost forever just choosing what kind of clothes or books or pencil cases and such, that I want. I am very indecisive. I think my sister and I are both like that when it comes to food though. We can never answer our mom's "What do you want to eat?" question. Unless we're craving for a specific kind of food. Hehe. Probably one reason why moms have the toughest job ever !! Thinking what to make or lunch and dinner ! :D

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2 lovebites

  1. I love the statement "And I'm not being lazy !! I'm just conserving energy :)" So are you still taking photographs ? For information, my place is an extreamly beautiful place for photography because of the lake especially early in the morning and late in the evening

    1. That statement was quoted from an anime actually :)) Yes I do, but not so often. Well that's good for you then ! Continue taking photographs Zhi Jiang :))
