#452 - Liking Sepia

10:05 PM

My sister has been keeping an oversized jeans jacket in her cupboard for.... about 8 years ? And it's still oversized for both of us ! But I decided to claim it as mine. Here's picture proof !!

Hello there ! I'm in Korea right now and I can't update much so here's a photoset for you guys :) I recently started liking the sepia effect. How does it go with my pictures ? HAHAHA. Oh, and is anyone missing me ? HEHEHHEEHEHE. Try to guess who I'm missing now !!

I feel bad for going to Korea instead of studying for SPM... and I want to thank everyone who has shown concern over my studies. Please don't worry. I'll be studying everyday after this trip once I reach Malaysia !! Fighting to you and me and everyone sitting for SPM!!

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