
#451 - Bunny !

9:40 PM

Dirty Mirror. LOL. See that big flash ? :D :D :D

In the last post, you met Flaky ! So here's a selca with Flaky ~~ I was actually packing my luggage for my Korea trip today. HAHAHA. I'm going to be in Korea in another 3 days !! Can't wait ! While packing, I had a hard time picking out which clothes to wear.... Clothes that look good and at the same time able to keep me warm. Thanks to my sis for being the fashion critic ! HAHAHA.

I'm questioning myself. Is there a need to look stylish in Korea ? I mean, just look at Korean people !!! They even have airport fashion. LOL. Thank you idols for that.... Hmmmm I'm already being influenced TT I had one problem with the packing though...... How many shoes do I need to bring ??? I only have 3 pairs. One sport shoe, one half-dead shoe and one new one.

So obviously, I'm taking the new one HAHAHAH. He's my new favouite :) I'm actually quite happy that my mum agreed to buy it for me !! Thanks to that, I just found out that I grew one shoe size from 5 to 6 ! HEHEHE. That also means I still have space and time to grow taller !! My sister helped me choose the shoe this time too.... I think I'm very dependant on my sister fashion wise. :/

Playboy !! I've alwayas liked their shoes TT

There were so many colours to choose from, black, pink, purple, green ..... but grey appealed more to me :) And there's two ways to wear it too ! HEHEHEHEHHEHE. Okay I'm done with bragging. Shall continue packing my luggage.

Btw, is it better to have one pair or two pairs of shoes ? I'm still scratching my head ><

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