
#403 - School Trip to FRIM

1:32 PM

As most of you already know, I went for a school trip to Batu Cave and FRIM, Kepong. It was just amazing ! It always feels great to be near to nature :) Gathered at school at 7.10 ! :) Our guide for the day was Mr.Ang, and the bus driver was Mr.Lim ! Thank you so much for the safe journey to and fro , as well as the information and talk ! Seriously, do not underestimate Mr.Ang on jungle trekking. He moves so fast. But me... ? I took baby steps :P My legs were too short and half the journey was meant for people with long legs !!!

Pigeons at Batu Cave
 The pigeons were so tame ! Unlike the ones here, they dont fly away the second they see you. You can just sit and stare or walk among them. But they'll fly if you run towards them of course. The man kept giving them food ! hahaha !

The carvings and the temples were just beautiful :) Hardwork of the people went into these ! The statue of their god, was made in Thailand and took about 2 and a half years. It's also 42.5m ! And if I remember correctly, there are 272 steps up to Batu Caves ! We made it all the way and all the way down :P Imagine the number of steps I climb in school everyday TT Should be about the same :P

Click the above pictures to enlarge :) Uploading them one by one would be really tiring ! The inside of Batu Caves is nothing much, but it's where the main temple is. And if you look up, you can see the beauty of the limestone cave :) Light pouring in from cave openings ~ It's really beautiful ! I didn't manage to see any bats though :(
There was this bubble machine outside ! It was so pretty :D Buying it would be expensive though... I miss the times I played with bubbles T^T

Left for FRIM after a short breakfast at one of the shops there. The toilet had a really big mirror infront of the seat. It's like watching yourself pee. Pn Leong was asking us to go to the toilet, HAHAHAHA. Finally know why :P Because the mirror is pretty. HEHE.

Reached FRIM had to go through a 1 hour + talk. Then we went for a short walk to the musuem before lunch :)

I like museums :) But since this one was really small I got bored fast. There wasnt really anything much to see there. But we could see dragon fish in the pond outside of the musuem !! It was so big ! And there were tortoises in the pond too. Pity I couldn't get a picture of it. This is why I need a camera. My phone memory wasnt enough for all the pictures I took today. I had to delete quite alot of pictures and songs TT

The beauty of nature at FRIM :) The jungle trek was really awesome,... until it got to the parts where my legs were too short for anything. I had to walk down sideways zzz.

Was really excited for the canopy walk !! But when we got there... it was closed !! I was so hyped on climbing up 500m and it was CLOSED. T______________T

Sweaty us after the jungle trek :)

 Having fun before going for a dip in the river :)

Bharath injured his foot at the river. Please get well soon :) 

On the way back home ~
At school with journalist li hui ! She kept taking notes of everything @.@
I got tired of typing halfway. If you can compare the amount of words I typed from Batu Caves to FRIM. It was sorta enjoyable :) Though I did get emo halfway. I need someone who'll always stick to me ! Even if I do stick to someone, they end up leaving me so yeah. Friendzoned for a few times. But when they did wait for me ........... :) I become a happy person.

My face always has problems though. Sorry and thank you !
PS : Special thanks to Sam&Yan for paying 2/3 of the trip for me :)

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2 lovebites

  1. For me, the one of the most awaited event on school is the
    school trips. I really love going out and learning outside the four wall of the classroom. And its a bonding time with friends and classmate :)
