
#397 - She's Back

5:52 PM

Cuddles is bald again !! HEEHHEHEE. Took her out for a walk yesterday, an aunty said "Buruk la kau punye anjing, tak lawa". I felt like screaming at her. I did not keep a dog because she's "lawa". I keep one because I want her in my life. I've always wanted a pet dog. And to those of you planning to get a dog, please dont buy one if all you want is a pretty or goodlooking dog. While the uncle with his own dog said he couldn't recognize cuddles anymore. HAHA. This is okay, because at least he understand when I said "she has fungus". LOL. I'm used to people laughing at Cuddles because my aunt and grandpa laughs at her too.

HEHEHEHE. Dont' worry Cuddles. Your hair will grow back soon :P

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8 lovebites

  1. If I am your dog, I will be very happy to have a such responsible and kind owner like you.

  2. Eh, I went through part of your stuff... They are really interesting... . . . Better than facebook to stalk.

  3. @zhijiang ; .......... i'm not always kind and responsible but thanks :D

    @lihui ; haha really ? i hardly do anything on fb anyway TT

  4. Having a dog in your life is more for companionship, stupid aunty don't understand D:<

  5. @NaitoRyuu ; yesyes TT dont worry ~ I'll give you cuddles's puppy if she ever has one ~

  6. @Natasha : You didn't send her for the operation meh ? Ops I don't know the name already.

  7. @zhi jiang ; that one no need operation la -.- oh gosh.

  8. I mean the "process" to stop from making children.
