#560 - Casa de Masque
7:51 PM
It's the fruit of our hard work over the past few months. And I'm proud to say that I'm part of the committee! So much effort, energy and time spent just for that night. It was great to hear people expressing gratitude to the prom committee for organizing the event. A simple thank you (or lots of it , actually) , made it all worth it :) #Postpromnightfeels
Most of the pictures are already on Facebook, and I'll refrain from writing alot this time and let the pictures do the rest. I'll say this though, thank you to everyone on the committee for your hard work ! :) And thanks to those outside the committee who lent us a helping hand as well ! Couldn't have done it without everyone :)

Oh, and before I forget ! Here's the video of the committee dance :) It was the opening performance for that night. 2 months of practice !! :) It felt really great to be up on stage again. Not the best performance technically, but all the time spent with the rest of the dancers made it worth it. You know ? To stand on stage together ? :) heheh. Video credits to Tze Ken.
:) xx
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