#563 - The Ladies :)

11:14 AM

I can't remember when was the last time I met up with all of them at once. Sure, I see Yvonne and Chia Yan on a daily basis at school, but I don't see Sam, Layne or Jass that often. Nope. You could say we don't even see each other if there's no plans to. But everyone we make plans together, there would be one or two person missing. Uh huh. Sad right ?

But finally, we are complete !! :D All of us made it for the birthday celebrations of our October babies. And yes, all of us are finally legal. Group pictures are a must when we're all together ! :) 

They just mean so much to me :) And though we're probably not going to meet up anytime soon due to the upcoming exams, we'll  meet up once more before the year is over aite ? :) Oh, and Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to all my Muslim readers ! :) Have a great day to everyone reading :P 

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