recently i got addicted to checkered things :D and i have a matching bag to go with my clothes.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. I have no idea what i was thinking that at that moment. x)
Yesterday I went through all the necklaces that my sis and I kept in a tiny box. I just realized that we had too many for our own good , but having too many is never a crime right ? Or is it ? -__________-
We had four golden coloured necklaces :D The fairy looks like Tinker Bell and the deer looks like Bambi right ? :D
Not the mention the golden cat had a twin ! Silver Cat ! HAHA. I'm being so lame now. The Golden Cat belongs to my sister , and I have no idea how it lost its eye. MEOOOWW ♥
hehehehehe ! most of them are silver in colour :D
I like this one ! Its mine , and I bought it at China. Really unique right ?
If only it was a real slipper TWT hahaha XD
You've seen the cats , now you see the doggies and the puppies :3
Another of my favourite , but the its starting to lose its colour :(
These are really special. Probably the most expensive. The purple belongs to me , the orange belongs to my sis. We bought there at China as well , but they're real gems ! The person at the shop said white means PURE , and purple means LOVE , so I bet my necklace means PURE LOVE right ? @______@
I'm lazy to caption all of the pictures already. By the way, N stands for Natasha :D