
#417 - Inti Discovery Day

6:54 PM

Hello peeps ! Today I attended Inti Discovery Day !! Nobody told me about Inti providing a bus, so I woke up earlier to fetch Sam and well, we somehow reached Inti the same time as the others from U8 :D We were lucky enough to not miss the group picture =D hehehe ! And the picture above, was actually the last picture I took today HAHAHA.

My mum printed a few McD breakfast coupons where the Sausage McMuffin was only RM2.50 for one ! :D The last day to use the coupon is tomorrow... so why waste it when I can have a nice breakfast ?

Xhiang Lynn , Menn Sze and I were the only ones from our school to attend the Kitchen Design Workshop. I thought we were going to be the only science stream students there but oh well, apparently there were more science stream students compared to art stream students. Such a surprise ! And the people who were sitting at the same table with us were friendly :) I would list their names down but I'm afraid of making spelling errors :/

We were given around 2 hours to design a kitchen. Of course, there was a talk first by Mr Peter. He's a really tall lecturer !! How's our kitchen design ? I prefer it without the island, garden and fruit wallpaper though.... Sorry for the blur picture :( We were rushed to put our model up infront.

My favourite was the felt coutertops, checkered refridgerator and the red boxes / shelves !! :)

Eventhough we were supposed to design the kitchen ONLY, we were the only ambitious group who went ahead to make a mini garden outside the kitchen :P Pretty right ? We shall.... redo this someday.... with more skills :P

 The whole view of our model :)

Everyone's models were lined up infront. Mr Peter was giving his opinions and thoughts on each of the models :) He praised our group for our effort ! Although we need to focus more on the kitchen :/ HEHEHE.

HEHEHE :D Oh, and did I mention that because our school registered late, all of us were given L sized shirts?? They look like pyjamas :/ At least we short people know how to wear pyjamas shirts with style :P

I don't think I'll be taking up a designing course in college or university... since my main interest is language and music. The only trouble I'll be facing is FINDING a place which offers these..... Nothing is easy. Life has always been difficult.

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