
#413 - Us Two.

4:36 PM

Bad english is bad english. Ignore post title please :) Spent time with Yvonne yesterday !! It would have been better if I didn't take the wrong bus, and if Elayne could have made it in time. But things happen, all the time, but that day was definately quality time with Yvonne :D

I waited at the first bus stop for more than half and hour. I guess I got fed up of waiting I hopped on the next bus to Subang. Yes, it did went to Subang, but not Summit. I realized that halfway -.- I had to switch bus. But Yvonne's phone ran out of battery TT Lucky she had her iPod. kekeke.

We were supposed to watch Madagascar 3 but because I took the wrong bus / could not make it in time / Vonn's phone died / Elayne couldnt reach in time we ended up watching Men In Black 3. I didn't watch the previous movies, but I enjoyed it nevertheless :)

I showed Yvonne around the new shops at Summit :) I must admit, it's becoming more like a shopping complex. More and more clothes shop appearing out of nowhere. Saving up for another shopping spree again <3 But BAP's showcase in Malaysia is coming soon TT ahhhhh can't decide on what to spend my money on. I should just stuff it all in the bank right ? haha. K full stop.

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