
#412 - Why English ?

4:13 PM

Wednesday, 6th June. I went to Sam's house to do the NIE with her and Chia Yan :) The thing is, we totally forgot that Bharath was part of our group. Oops :X I'm really sorry Bharath ! To think we were talking about this in tuition when you were there and not realizing at all........Don't worry :D We left some parts for you to do ~~~ kekeke. Random shots of the day :) No pictures of people, sadly. The pictures were either blurry... or just blurry.

Sam bought new Sharpies. Why am I not surprised ? Haha. But I played with them all :3 Aint my drawing pretty from the back ?

Mind boggling indeed.

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5 lovebites

  1. I know that picture of the roller coster is at carefour . Hehe.

  2. I comment wrongly already. Actually is not a roller coster. The circle thingni, I dunno what's the name edi

  3. you commented wrongly AND on the wrong post i guess. there's nothing in this post with a circle thingy.
