
#411 - Out Out Out !

7:01 PM

I went out for the first time in the holidays I guess, if you don't take count of Leo Forum. I went out with my family to Giant. The house needed supplies :/ 

Sis and I had some fun at the kiddy section where they sold all the toys and stuff. Keke. Nothing small enough for Cuddles though :/ She needs a new chew toy !!

But after shopping at Giant, we went back home to drop off the things, and went out again to Amcorp Mall ! It's a really boring place, to be honest. But my sis and I followed our mum anyways. It's been so long since I went out T^T

This shop on the top floor was so cute !!! >< So many things I would buy if I were to redecorate my room. (If I ever get my own room again, sharing is not caring in this case)

There was a bookshop on the top floor too ! Most of the books were at bargain price ! RM9.90 each :) Real steal from the usual RM30-RM50 priced books. I wanted to buy a few but I didn't have enough time to check out the books :/ But my sis managed to buy two for her friends. Those books are really entertaining , and amusing. Get one and read. Please laugh. If not...... :X And PS: Book stools are cool.

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