
#284 - Exam. Again. Fever. Again.

3:23 PM

Hey there :) I'm sure if you're a Form 4 you'll be stressing out for exams as well, just like me, and every other Form 4 who cares about their exam results. LOL. Above picture isn't from studying, it was from the time I was finishing my moral folio. HAHA. But it has the study-exam-ish feel so I just uploaded it for the sake of my blog. I FAIL HAHA.

Accounts is tomorrow. Sometimes I wonder why the science stream package in my school has accounts as the extra subject. Previous years had EST. So why accounts ? Sigh. I'll never understand the school. I have 3 hours left to study accounts. Wish me luck :) And good luck to you too ! I hate JPS papers.

P/S : I might not be able to update my blog cuz well, even if it's not an exam day, I'll probably have to finish up the TrEES final report and my overdue accounts folio or studying for other subjects.

But to get the instant updates that I've updated my blog , do follow me ! :D
PP/S : Thanks to the few people who recently followed me :) 53 ! THANKS.
PPP/S : I'm SICK. AGAIN. It always happens during exam. Sigh :/

I hope I'll get well soon. LOL HAHA KBAI.

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