#133 - Morning Glisten.

8:08 PM

today i was talking about how chia yan mixed up facebook and blog.
so i said "facebook has the word facebook on every page la".
and then sam went and said "yeah, and nat has her face in every blogpost"
( if i remember correctly, it went something like that :P )

was involved with the TrEES exhibition the whole day. morning till afternoon.
teehee :D no one comes to the compost station that sam and i are doing.
oh well , saved us from talking alot. chia yan's station always has the most humans.
:D elayne's station shared the same fate as our station HAHAHAHA :D

heh and due to today's conversation, this blogpost doesnt have my face :D
and due to the exhibition , i am dealing with a giant pile of homework.
and i dont have the mood to do it at all :( can i just dont do it and kena scold ? zzz.

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