#127 - When The Love Falls.

3:46 PM

sometimes , i go crazy when i think of you too much.

school was dot dot dot with a crow today :D understand ? hehe :P
yesterday , chia yan and i asked pn.lily whether we can use her math period...
for farah natasha's farewell mini celebration (: she said OK :D teehee.
so kavitha bought the cake. or rather , her mum bought it ! x)

and then today , chia yan brought the cardboard thingy :D
in which the whole class + teacher + our normal gang signed :D
and we wrote msg's for her also xD i bet she knows which is mine.
its like so obvious , even when i didnt sign / write my name. LOL.

i'm lazy to type. well , ate the cake, mini short speeches , and picture ! :D
but the pictures are with pn.lily , im stalking her fb page to see when she uploads it !
oh well... we also planned something in the afternoon, but lazy say la.
cuz everyone also like not going ? and i no mood right now. :(

sy's bday is on monday. and oh my oh my, kah mern made me owe her a movie day .

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