2011 is coming soon , like really really soon. Few more hours left :DD So I'm mad typing every last thing I wanna say before its over. Like really really fast. I'm not going to mention any names so no one feels left out :D
*Family including cousins , aunts , uncles , etc, you name it* :D Thank you for being there for me everytime !! I bet even if the whole world ignores me you guys will still be there for me :P (okay i'm thinking too much wtf) The ones who always support and give advices , the ones who never fails to make a bad day go nice (and sometimes the opposite) , those faces that i see everyday and those faces that i see whenever there's a celebration. Its just so awesome when we all gather and have fun. I always treasured those times x) No one is as lucky as I am to be born in this family :D
You know who you are :D Thanks alot for being there whenever I needed you ! All of you have somehow , somewhere and sometime this year made my life happy and enjoyable not to mention some sad and dull times , but even after all that I still love you guys and I'm really lucky to have met all of you :D All the ups and downs is a part of our friendship , and I'll remember that everytime I go through pictures and my blogposts.
*school includes schoolmates and especially the TEACHERS, not to forget clubs and other stuffs* 2010 was my first year in the morning session. Hated it but I loved it. Thank you teachers for everything this year :D couldn't have got my 7A's in PMR without you guys :P Really really appreciate it !! Sure all the homeworks and constant talks made me go bored and wth but in the end everything is worth it :DD thank you ! School mates, THANKGOODNESS you're all there. LOL. imagine going to school alone , i'd never want that ! haha ! Scouts ; once a scout always a scout ; hopefully 2011 will be a better scouting year for all of us (: LEO ; U8 U8 ROAR ROAR ROAR ; I really enjoyed my time with the Leos even if most of my friends aren't in that club. The loneliness catches up to me sometimes but I'll still remain in the Leo Club (: Basketball club is just awesome this year , the genting trip was most memorable after MSSD :D
Thank you for letting me feel the joy of blogging again ! Last time when I blogged (before I joined innit) , my blog was dull alright. zero comments and hardly any traffic I remembered those times when kept deleting and remaking my blogs. and then changing urls over and over again. But ever since I joined innit in november I've really begun to love blogging again , not only that but I get to read so many other awesome blogs :3 The blogging spirit is back alright , thanks to all of you ♥ Just by reading my blog you make me a happier person :3