I think this is my first time uploading a video to Blogger. So I dedicated it to the dog who destroyed about 3 of my phone chargers, a few of my beloved books, my glasses, tissue paper and lots more. I think this video was taken last year, when she was still tiny and super innocent (Y) Now she's so big O.O and her barking is .............. LOUD ttm. WOOOKAYY. ENJOY :D
I am terribly bored today. I doubt that sentence is even correct. Anyways, I was so bored I went through all the pictures I could find in the computer. Then, well, I found two pictures where I covered my face with a toy ! :O The above left one was back in 2009, HEHEHEHE. And the one on the right was in 2010, while I was at Genting with the school Basketball Club. LOL. Still can't believe I quitted the club and joined Badminton this year ! HAHAHA. Anyways, I feel like taking a picture with a toy covering my face, for this year. LOL. Lifeless me :P HEHEHEH KBAI. I'm stil bored. :O

After a few months living with my dog-eaten specs, I finally bought a new one :) The old one is so dog bitten the metal part sticking out pains the back of my ears. And about my new specs, don't ask why I chose it. The whole table was full of specs I got lazy to choose so I just took one and said I wanted it HAHAHAHAHA. Regrets.
My spec eating dog. Cuddles. Caught. Guilty as charged.
And now I'm thinking. Should I cut my fringe ? I asked so many people with so many different answers and I still can't decide D: Some said bangs, some said slant, some say clip up, some say don't cut, some say layer and so many more. My head is spinning. And I still can't decide D: rawr. I'm so screwed. Haih. Yvonne's answer was so .......... lol-able. She was like "just go to the salon and let them decide for you! Lol!". Only thing is, I don't trust the saloon ppl :P They never cut it right. Hahahahhaa. I would ask for your opinion, but then again, you wouldn't comment on this post LOL. No one did since i stopped posting my link at innit :( rawr. Shall go and stare the mirror and decide how to cut my fringe. kthxbai , vivi loves you <3
Left this part out in the previous post. Lazy to edit so here it is. When we were busy shop hopping in Asian Avenue I just remembered that Joshua was in pyramid. So I texted him. Met up with him for about 2 minutes ? LOL. And then after coming home and tweeting for awhile ................ read below.
*cry* Okay, maybe not. Was laughing away at this. Still cant believe this D: Sis favourited when I was logged in on her laptop oTL This is worse compared to the time Sam would say "Where's Nat?" (and it wasn't even on purpose!) and I was either standing in front of her, beside her, or behind her the whole time. AND SHE DIDN'T SEE ME D: orz. Why am I so small ? Didn't grow since standard six. Natalie, please stop growing and let me be taller for a day ? :(( And to think I wasnt even wearing flats that day. zzz. I'm short. and small. Need to grow. kbai.
Title is in Japanese actually :P Shooo in love with my anime and jpop even my blog title and blog post title is in japanese :X Not to mention I wished my cupboard was half full of Harajuku clothes D: Saw some at pyramid yesterday but I was broke :( Things are cheaper at Sungei Way's morning market. Can haggle some more HAHHHAHAHAA. So, I was bored on Sunday. Bought a pair of shorts earlier in the morning at the morning market, but I was in the mood for more shopping, so I bugged my mum to send Natalie and me to pyramid :D
Reached around 2.40 + i think ? Wanted to watch a movie, but the tickets were all sold out D: Either that or the next screening was too late for us. So we went shopping instead :D I really liked the orange dress in Catchup !!! D: But then again, I don't think I'll be needing a dress for now. Maybe when another event pops up, but definately not now. Whereas sis finally bought her floral dress there :P Not the one in the above picture though. But its like..... "Natalie bought a DRESS?". Yeah, that sort of feeling hehe.
YES WEYH. Just realized its been so long since I last took a picture in a fitting room. WITH MY SIS. HAHAHAHAHHA. Loved the shirts there :) So did my sis. Only difference is, I bought mine and she didn't buy hers ;( awwww. And she kept paying for part of my bills that day :O shooo weird. Must be karma. I mean.... she never paid for me before TWT and then suddenly ........... i feel weird. oTL. at least I finally got my birthday present from her. HURHURRR.
See ? I'm like spamming pictures of both my sis and I. HAHAHAHAH. FOR ONCE. I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M DOING THIS EITHER LOL. Shooo, after hopping from one shop to ten shops to twenty shops, our last stop was FOS. I saw long sleeeeeeeveeeeee shirtssss (Y) I just like long sleeves :3 And I like the red one ! But I gave it back to the person standing there so I could look for a bigger size. Long sleeves are comfy when they're big :P Either that or its just me. But NO M SIZE FOR RED D: sigh. I gave up searching but my sis ended up buying two of it D: Orange and light blue. Damn. So gonna steal it from her cupboard one day.
TEEHEEE. Shall stop here. I don't even see the point of this post. Just thought I'd post it up since....... I feel that my blog is so quiet lately D: kbaiii
Reached around 2.40 + i think ? Wanted to watch a movie, but the tickets were all sold out D: Either that or the next screening was too late for us. So we went shopping instead :D I really liked the orange dress in Catchup !!! D: But then again, I don't think I'll be needing a dress for now. Maybe when another event pops up, but definately not now. Whereas sis finally bought her floral dress there :P Not the one in the above picture though. But its like..... "Natalie bought a DRESS?". Yeah, that sort of feeling hehe.
YES WEYH. Just realized its been so long since I last took a picture in a fitting room. WITH MY SIS. HAHAHAHAHHA. Loved the shirts there :) So did my sis. Only difference is, I bought mine and she didn't buy hers ;( awwww. And she kept paying for part of my bills that day :O shooo weird. Must be karma. I mean.... she never paid for me before TWT and then suddenly ........... i feel weird. oTL. at least I finally got my birthday present from her. HURHURRR.
See ? I'm like spamming pictures of both my sis and I. HAHAHAHAH. FOR ONCE. I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M DOING THIS EITHER LOL. Shooo, after hopping from one shop to ten shops to twenty shops, our last stop was FOS. I saw long sleeeeeeeveeeeee shirtssss (Y) I just like long sleeves :3 And I like the red one ! But I gave it back to the person standing there so I could look for a bigger size. Long sleeves are comfy when they're big :P Either that or its just me. But NO M SIZE FOR RED D: sigh. I gave up searching but my sis ended up buying two of it D: Orange and light blue. Damn. So gonna steal it from her cupboard one day.
TEEHEEE. Shall stop here. I don't even see the point of this post. Just thought I'd post it up since....... I feel that my blog is so quiet lately D: kbaiii