My Top3 Pet Peeves
8:39 PM
Hey everyone :)
Thanks for reading the entries for the 30 Day Blog Challenge. It means a lot. And today is April Fool's ! :D Hope you guys have fun playing jokes hehehe. I, on the other hand, am starting work again today. Yup, got myself another job heheh.

Anyways, here's a proper nice selfie before I begin with Day 3 of the 30 Day Blog Challenge, "What are your Top 3 Pet Peeves ?"
For those of you who aren't so sure about what pee peeves it, it has absolutely NOTHING to do with PETS. It's just a word that describes an annoyance that's caused by someone else. Or something that you find very annoying and ticks you off. I hope you get the meaning heheh.
I'm pretty sure all of you have your own pet peeves. I have plently, but choosing only 3 ? I'll just pick the ones that everyone's bound to agree on (I hope!) Now let's get started, in no particular order HAHAH :D
#1 Its/It's or Your/You're or Their/They're
In short, people who don't know the difference ticks me off. I always feel the need to correct them but most of the time I don't give a damn. It's everywhere. Maybe it's because I've been speaking English my whole life so it just comes naturally to me, but I just can't stand it when someone else makes that mistake over and over again. Correcting them won't do a thing. Imma grammar nazi they say :/
#2 People who ALWAYS find something Negative to Comment.
It's hard. It really is. Every time I watch a music video, it's full of comments. Then I'd scroll down to read, curious about what other people thought of it, and what do I read ? Bashing. Tons of bashing. Ridiculous negative comments that sometimes have nothing to do with the video content. Sounds like they just went there to comment and not watch the video. I don't even bother to read comments nowadays. It used to be a way for me to expect what to see in a video, but now :(
*keep your eyes on the road*
#3 Bad Drivers
I thought that would sum up all the drivers I'd like to complain against. No putting signal before cutting lanes, driving too slow on the fast lane, horning other people for no reason, double parking, drivers following too closely, not giving way like their life depends on it, following behind an ambulance or police and so many more. The list goes on and on and on. Feel free to add on :D
Honestly I would add more, like dirty public toilets, people smoking in non-smoking areas, rude waiters, and more but then this would end up becoming a really negative post. Heh. How about you ? I'm sure you're conjuring more pet peeves in your head, aren't you ? Hahah.
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