#584 - Toxic

8:24 PM

Hi guys :) It's been so long since I updated this tiny space of mine, but here's a short one.
In fact, I can barely call this an update hahahah !!
I just needed to type something while being on the laptop.

I am highly capable of writing a whole essay to complain about something that's been on my mind since morning, but I don't want to bore you with complains.
I mean, who likes to hear complains ?
Doesn't it get annoying ?

And well, since I needed to get this toxic out of my system, I remembered about Toxic.
They're a Korean Rock Duo.
And then in Biology class today teacher mentioned something about pheromones.
Toxic has a song called Pheromone.
See how it's all linked together ? Heheh !!

Lame, I know. But the song isn't that bad. Give them a listen :)
I'll try to update soon, but in the meantime, enjoy life peeps !

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