#580 - Kechara Soup Kitchen

9:32 PM

Hey guys ! :)

So sorry for the lack of updates this past week. I just got my laptop back yesterday and now I'm ready to blog again !

Last Saturday night, I decided to go help out at the Kechara Soup Kitchen with my friends ! :) It is a charitable non-profit organization inspired by H.E. Tsem Rinpoche to help the needy and marginalized community. It's time to help make a difference in someone's life. Since we arrived early, we helped to pack the food !

All of us were first timers except for Xin Vee, so we went upstairs for the orientation first before starting the distribution of food. We heard many different stories about the homeless and the organization, as well as being briefed on the ways to approach the homeless. I would elaborate more on this, but I was so sleepy I kinda dozed off halfway through. My body clock isn't used to late nights. HAHAHAH. 

After that, we were split into different groups and assigned different locations. And because we came in such a big group, we had two different locations. The group I was in was assigned Honda and Chow Kit, while the other group went to Dang Wangi. You could read the KSK report about it HERE.

KSK helps the urban poor and the homeless :) And at certain stops at our area, there were already people queing up, ready to take the food. Some of them said thanks, some took them without a word, some tried to line up again to take more food. But I believe behind their many different behavious, there is a story. You'll be surprised, you'll never know who is a homeless after a night of volunterring at KSK.

Group picture ! :) Eugene, Jona's dad and my mom were also there, but they're not in this picture. They're in the one below though, :P

Picture above was taken from the KSK Facebook page :)

If you're interested to help out, you can check out their facebook page, Kechara Soup Kitchen !! :) It's a real eye opener, and an amazing experience. You should try volunteering as well, who knows what you'll learn from it ? :)

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