#244 - What are your thoughts ?

12:08 PM

Whatever your thoughts may be, if you don't say them, none of it will be acknowledged by others.
Tomoyo Daidouji (Cardcaptor Sakura)

That quote is so true, and I'm not only saying this for myself, but to everyone. Who on earth would understand something just by looking at you ? You put on a smile when you're not happy. You laugh eventhough it's not funny. You  say things you don't want to say. But when is all of this going to stop ? It WON'T. Unless YOU start pouring your mind out. Let the truth out. No point hiding behind your fake personality. It's just not you. Or are you happy just being like that ? I know I'm not.

I tend to do things I don't want to do. But I don't want to dissappoint someone.
I keep my thoughts to myself eventhough I feel like telling someone about it, because I know it'll hurt someone.
I smile for the sake of smiling. Otherwise everyone will ask me "why are you so emo today?"
I laugh at something just because everyone is laughing. So I won't feel left out.
I do something that isn't "me", just so I could blend in with the crowd.
I pretend to be strong eventhough I'm not, so everyone won't see my tears.
I want to give up but my pride and ego won't let me do so.
I am scared and insecure. And there's no reason to explain that.

Does any of you feel that way as well ? If so, then you and I are on the same boat for now. I'l break free from this. I'll let everyone know how i feel now :)) I don't want to suffer because I didnt voice my own opinions. And I know I'm capable of doing this, because I'm a fighter, not a loser.

sincerely from, 

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