Have you ever watched Gensomaden Saiyuki ? I think its called "Saiyuki" or "Saiyuki Reload" now. But if you did watch it, I'm sure you know who's Sanzo right ? :)) He quoted two very similar things in the anime.
- I don't believe in anyone nor do i believe in God. I just believe in myself.
- I dont need to believe in God to believe in myself.
Partially true. Genjyo Sanzo is definately an awesome character 8D not to mention he's so hot :D aahhhh. I'm thinking about rewatching Saiyuki again. Anyone wants to see with me ? :)) *wink*
Well, after everything I've been through in life so far, its true that as long as you believe in yourself you can do anything. But at the same time, you have to believe in other people as well. Its almost like trust. Fragile like glass. Easily crumpled like paper. Just like calm water. When you believe in someone, you trust them, no ?
Just like Leo and TrEES today. I trust and believe my leo installation committee that they'll do well, and help to make the event a successful one :)) I think they can do better if I wasnt such a shitty OC. First time OC-ing such a big event. I don't even feel the stress from that yet, but when I do, I think I'll know who I can believe in. TrEES on the other hand, I just lost my trust in some of them, while others gained it. Its weird how things happen. But there was this saying when I played a game.
When you lose something, you gain another thing. But when you gain something, you lose something else.
True , no ? Well, I don't know how I related the quote from Saiyuki to this, but..... its just me pouring out my mind on my blog right ? No harm in that... ( i think )
I shall end my post here.
Tata ~ vivi ♥