12:36 PM
Hi lovelies :)) To those asking why I haven't been updating my blog, thank you ! I didn't think that people would still be reading my blog after all my inconsistent updates.
There's been so much happening to the extent that I've neglected my blog and maybe, even myself. Sometimes all I need is a long walk or a chill out session, which I'm trying to get within this one week holiday period. Or maybe just a long day out and snapping pictures as I go. It's been so long since I felt the urge to actually share the pictures I took. It always feels good to share the goodness of what the eye can see :)
Looking up at the beautiful sky and occasionallly seeing planes fly by. There's only one thought in my mind, #PrayforMH370 It's saddening to know what happened, :(

I went out with Yvonne and Mei Qun yesterday to get some things for the Nalys Camp tomorrow ! So yes, it'll be another 3 days of absence. However, I'm looking forward to the camp ! It's been so long since I last went for an outdoor camp. Can't wait to experience the fun and joy that usually comes with it :)) It's been so long since I just chilled at the park with a friend. Thanks Vonn for being with me !! Heheh.
And well, what's a day out with Nat if you don't snap pictures HAHAHAH. I can finally change my profile picture after nearly a year !! :D Heheheh.
And birds remind me of Polly, my sparrow. If only I knew what oxygen was back then.... *cough cough*
Enjoy the rest of the day :))
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