#175 - Not Giving Up.

5:49 PM

I've got too many thoughts in my head , I take too long to sort them out.

you know , i was a serious anime freak / otaku back in primary school...
well... secretly :D i would talk about it sometimes but never show proof :D
but now... i think its time i got out of my shell. yeah , i own a shell. since std 2 ?
i don't know since when but yeah , i'm thinking of going back to drawing.
and i got so sure after seeing sophiechan's youtube videos , she's so talented !
woohooo. i have no idea how long i've stopped drawing. but my skills aint rusted.
well , not that rusted . i somehow think they got better now :D i wonder why.

there's a lot more where these two came from :D
just lazy to upload all of them. since well.... HAHAHA

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